Tamarix aphylla
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Tamaricaceae
Group: Angiosperms
Synonymous names: Tamarix articulata, Tamarix aphylla
System of medicine: Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani

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Plant - Therapeutic use associations

Indian medicinal plantPlant partTherapeutic useTherapeutic use identifiersReferences
Tamarix aphyllabarkAphrodisiacsMESH:D001046, UMLS:C0003567ISBN:9788172361266
Tamarix aphyllabarkAstringentsMESH:D001252, UMLS:C0004110, ICD-11:XM0VK6ISBN:9788172361266
Tamarix aphyllabarkEczemaMESH:D004485, UMLS:C0013595ISBN:9788172361266
Tamarix aphyllagallHypomenorrheaUMLS:C0020624, ICD-11:GA20.11Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Tamarix aphyllagallAnalgesicsMESH:D000700, UMLS:C0002771, ICD-11:XM49F7Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Tamarix aphyllagallAnti-inflammatory agentsMESH:D000893, UMLS:C0003209, ICD-11:XM7XD1Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Tamarix aphyllagallAppetite stimulantsMESH:D019167, UMLS:C0376447Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Tamarix aphyllagallAstringentsMESH:D001252, UMLS:C0004110, ICD-11:XM0VK6ISBN:9780387706375, ISBN:9788172361266
Tamarix aphyllagallConstipationMESH:D003248, UMLS:C0009806, DOID:2089, ICD-11:ME05.0Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Tamarix aphyllagallDiarrheaMESH:D003967, UMLS:C0011991, DOID:13250, ICD-11:ME05.1Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Tamarix aphyllagallHematologic diseasesMESH:D006402, UMLS:C0018939, DOID:74, ICD-11:3C0ZStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Tamarix aphyllagallHemostaticsMESH:D006490, UMLS:C0019120Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Tamarix aphyllagallInflammationMESH:D007249, UMLS:C0021368Standardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Tamarix aphyllagallLeukorrheaMESH:D007973, UMLS:C0023533, DOID:3766, ICD-11:MF3AStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V
Tamarix aphyllagallSplenic diseasesMESH:D013158, UMLS:C0037997, DOID:2529, ICD-11:3B8ZStandardization of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine Part - V